Mr. Grunty McGrunderson (what a long nickname!) is about to move to the study. We love Jackson, but he's just so loud that we don't get any sleep. He grunts and groans the entire night and the next thing we know it's morning and we haven't gotten a decent hour's worth of shut eye.
We're going to try to give him bottled water mixed with formula to see if this strategy works and if to the study he goes!![](
Eban has been doing a lot of art at school and I've taken a couple of pictures of the lovely things he has done. I hope you enjoy them...the brown one was from a potato that he dipped in paint and the apple is from apple slices. He did try to eat the apple with the paint on it and his teacher said he made a cute yucky face when he realized the apple didn't taste so good with paint on it.
Eban has been great at saying please and more in sign language. We hope more words will develop but we're not sure.![](