This weekend, Ryan and I recovered from being sick so I have nothing to report unless you want to hear about the woes of stomach issues?? I doubt that so I'll report what little there is to talk about...
Jackson is great for Nani, but terrible for me. He onl
y slept two hours for me last night. My goodness, this lack of sleep thing does nothing for my looks or my morning personality...unless I have two LARGE cups of coffee! Anyway, I'm happy he is soothed by her but a tad jealous. More importantly, I'm happy he's happy, but I'd like to have "the touch" that Nani has as well as the grandmas. Eban is great with Jackson. He is very intrigued with him and wants to hug him or tackle him. You never know which so you have to keep a constant eye on him when he's near Jack.
In fact, last week, Dennis, our godson, pet Jackson on the head and over ran Eban and shoved Dennis. Little Denni
s cried and got up, but Eban was very protective which I didn't think a 17 month old would be.
School is going great for Eban. Miss Brittney and Miss Emily love Eban and he gets great daily report cards. There are always comments about his swanky dance moves! I have no clue who he gets that from!?!
Today, we made Christmas cookies. That was a tiny adventure as we just completed the cutting and baking and decorating when Eban grabbed the parchment paper and was about to fling it when Nani and I were frantically holding down the paper so the cookies wouldn't fly all over the pl
ace. This was a fun game to Eban so he pulled harder and laughed harder. It was hard not to laugh...we eventually won with one cookie casualty. I'm sure Seamus was happy about that!