Lately, Eban has been learning how to make "faces." He has SO many expressions and I love every one of them - even the pouty face. I guess I could say Jackson is learning how to use his expressions as he's smiling more - he even has a crooked smile which I find endearing.
Yesterday, I put on jeans and make-up (that means it's a BIG
day) and met Kayce and Morgan, her daughter who is Jackson's age, at the mall. It was great until 10 minutes after we arrived! Eban wanted to dip all his food into the salsa at Chili's. He would get angry if we took it away, so we gave him ketchup intstead. His attention span for lunch was 2 seconds so we'd attempt to distract him after every 10 seconds. Then Jackson woke up and wanted to eat...Nani fed him and then the people forgot to bring her food. The quick-serve Chili's wasn't exactly quick-serve. Kayce was a champ dealing with us and Morgan was a bigger champ as she slept through everything. I kept looking at Jackson and asking him why he couldn't be like Morgan and sleep soundly?! He didn't respond. :)
Eban has wanted to be a big boy and wants to drink out of a cup like we do. He takes his plastic cup and puts it up to the water dispenser in the fridge. He doesn't spill a lot which I find to be impressive. I can't believe he is already trying to use a real cup. Time really does go by way too fast.
Today, I'm making Helen Simon's brisket which calls for a half can of beer.
I had half a brain when I went to the store and accidentally picked up a can of Keystone Light. MY goodness...who cooks with crap beer! Hopefully no one will notice that the brisket has crappy beer in it. When I put the beer in the fridge last night, I shook my head and thought about the last time I bought Keystone Light and I know it was in college sometime. Brings back fond and not so fond memories!
And finally...our first short video of Jackson. He's not doing much but here you go anyway!