This weekend, we went to Tyler Stone's birthday party for two hours. One hour was at a fire station in Denver and the other hour was at their home. Eban loved the fire station so much (he's the little one in the blue
shirt with the white long sleeved shirt underneath). He was angry when we walked in and he couldn't race to the truck. There was a mini-tantrum that was thrown on the floor of the fire house (arms and legs were flailing) in which he made himself perfectly clear that he wanted to go over to the truck immediately. Suzy, Tyler's mom and my badminton partner from high school, said she was impressed that at least one kid was SUPER excited to see the truck. ![](
Lately, Eban has been giving the stink eye to everyone but me. I'm hoping this phase passes quickly...the attached photo is blurry but I'm sure you get the picture.
Jackson is doing a tad better. We are now on formula and
his digestive system is getting used to it. He still isn't sleeping well, but he's not as fussy as he used to be
. He still is "Mr. Grunts A Lot" but as long as he isn't in dire pain, I'm okay with it.
Last night, Nani made dinner for the entire family. She went to the grocery store and bought everyone and spent the afternoon prepping. She made mashed potatoes and milanesa...the milanesa is made up of beef round steaks (not the technical term)
with a puree of tomatoes, onions and some other juices with cheese on top. I could tell she was nervous while creating dinner and she admitted to Ryan and I that this was the first time she ever cooked for anyone but herself! We were very impressed with her "green" culinary skills. But she has nothing to worry about as I served her burnt pizza for the umpteenth time today (frozen pizza no less)...she is very nice and called it extra crispy. I guess that's nicer than saying burnt?![](