Monday, January 2, 2012

Mount Rushmore - Continued again!

After the train ride, we took advantage of the warm weather and used the pool and the jumping pad! The boys exerted so much energy that I was happy to watch them as I read.
They also played in the sand with the trucks and just got plain ol' dirty! That's exactly what I wanted for them. The boys simply crashed at nap time. In the tent, it was so hot, that they both slept naked! Well, Jack is still in a diaper, so he wasn't entirely naked.
At our camp site, we each took turns making or cleaning a meal, so that was a great plan for the large group. You can see we strategically parked our cars adjacent to the one-lane road as to buffer the other noise. Since it didn't quite work, we decided to walk the campus.
We somehow found ourselves at the ice cream stand which Eban and Jack loved. We also came upon the nightly tour of the campground on the historic fire truck. All the kids quickly boarded and left the parents to stand there whittling our fingers. I didn't even get a standard hug or kiss goodbye! I was chopped liver... :)
The sunsets were superb and I wish we had more time to take in the sights and beauty of South Dakota's Black Hills. And the camp fires were great - - although I couldn't quite capture it with my camera. I guess I had it on the wrong exposure. favorite part of the trip is coming up in the next post!!!
Jump Pad at KOA in Mount Rushmore