Tutu came out for Easter 2011 and hung out for awhile. Obviously, there was egg dying, cake making and egg hunting in the house that week. The carrot cake ended up being inedible due it not being cooked at high altitude temperatures (or so that's the excuse of the chef). Next year, hopefully it'll turn out.
Therer were also whoopie cushions in their easter baskets and they thought those were HYSTERICAL. Needless to say one broke or one got lost so they quickly lost out on using these apparati for extended amounts of time. Thank goodness!!
We also hit up the Denver aquarium for a visit which the both both loved. See all the pictures below (some of which are from the boys' camera).
And we went to Jodi and Vince's farm...saw the fish (and fed them), met their new dog, fed their horses. Although, the alfalfa didn't quite make it over the fence when we were feeding the horses...It went flying back into Eban's head and clobbered him. There was alfalfa ALL over him...in his eyes, under his fingernails, in his ears, etc. It was comical and he took it well as he knew we were going to get him home and throw him in the tub. Jackson was a tad more timid around the horses, but that's okay. One day, he won't be.
Feeding horses for the first time
Feeding the friendliest fish (and petting him) - - White fish is named Al