luck would have it...the darned pink eye went from the older kid to the younger one in less than three days. Now, Nani, Ryan and I all think we will get it as we think our eyes are itchy or what have you. I swear...poor when we went to the doctor (again) he took one look at Jack and said he had it and then looked at Eban and said he still had it. So here we are giving both boys two drops every four hours or so. They love it so much...(I wish they did!).
Let's do some quickies:
1. Eban loves the guitar and cries when daddy puts it away.
2. Eban and Jack loved the community pool so much that they both cried when we left today.
3. Nani, Jack, Eban and I went to Chris' 38th birthday party and Eban got to ride in the boat around the lake and LOVED the boat. He wanted "more boat" all night and would yell louder and use his sign language in a more fierce manner to get his point across.
Dennis accidentally hit Eban in the head with a picture frame and Eban was screaming at the top of his lungs, "NO DENNY" and couldn't understand why his friend would hit him. It was sweet and cute and sad all at the same time.
I just can't believe Eban is turning two at the end of the month...I really can't.