Alright...let's see what's good for this update. Saturday morning we walked to the Thornton Fire Department like we do every other week. Eban loved it and this crew wasn't as personable as other crews. Eban didn't notice that...maybe it was because our sweet, little dog decided to growl and bark and firefighter Mike walked forward to him with his hand out so Seamus could sniff him.
I think that Seamus has bad eyes and could be near sighted as he can growl and carry on when I walk in the door to the house at unexpected times. He'll growl untili he's three feet from me or until I say "Hi Seamus" and then the tail starts a-wagging. Too bad they don't make spectacles for dogs as I really think he needs them.
After the fire house, the event of the day was a pool party at Mark and Danielle's house for Mark 40th birthday. Eban LOVED the pool and it was like pulling teeth to get him out of it. There were other unique ac
tivities, but this pretty much sums it up!
We've been talking every day about Uncle Steve's visit on his motorcycle and every time that Eban hears his name he'll say "MOTO!" I have a feeling that when Uncle Steve gets here all Eban will want to do is sit on the motorcycle. Hopefully he'll be afraid of the big bike, but I doubt it.
Jackson is finally sitting up with no problems at all. He used to simply roll over when he got tired of sitting up. But he doesn't anymore. He hasn't crawled yet or even gotten close! I'm happy about that as it's one less body for me to chase around this house or yard, etc.Jackson is also a total snuggle bear!! I love that he'll put his little noggin in my nook in my neck and snuggle for a bit. He always wants to be held and cuddled. He also always wants to eat...he's a mo
nster around food! Eban was already finished using his pacifier at this time but Jackson is very content to have it in his mouth at all times.
OOOOOOhhhh, I forgot to tell you that I golfed last week and my golf game hasn't been ruined by two years of non-stop pregnancies! I'm so stoked. In fact, I received a $100 gift certificate to Morton's for getting the women's longest drive at the Denver Convention Bureau's golf tournament at Arrowhead Gold Club. We played a scramble format and I was playing with the dean of The Hospitality College and the PR Director for AAA Colorado and for two holes we only used my shots. At the third hole, I finally bent over and grabbed my back in pain. They asked me what was wrong and I wickedly smiled at them and said, "Ladies, my back hurts from carrying you two for two holes!" Thank goodness they had a good sense of humor about the whole thing. So then I went back to happily swigging my beer!
UPDATE: This morning as I was nonchalantly chatting with Ryan while holding Jack across from the kitchen island, I looked up and saw Eban lazily coming down the stairs with two blankets in tow. My eyeballs must have been sa
ucers as I couldn't believe what I saw. He sleepily looked up at me and said a sweet little "Hi mama." Ryan and I immediately went to him and realized that 1) He climbed out of his huge crib and 2) This is a new era for us as far as his freedom is concerned and 3) We need a toddler bed STAT. So thinking about all these changes is scary for me...Ryan told him what a big boy he was while I was quietly thinking about all the things that could happen now...opening doors and escaping, falling down the sta
irs in the middle of the night, waking up with a child peering over me as I sleep, etc. The list goes on and I'm sure you all have stories of your own from this time. My parents always tell me that they would never find me in my crib in the mornings when they woke up. They would find the crib empty and go on a quest to find me in the house on Hackberry in Deerfield, IL. They would
always find me sleeping with my head in my cross-legged lap watching TV fuzz in the family room. I was a kind toddler to my folks, huh?! :)

Check out his new toddler bed!

JACK forward the first ten seconds or so. Nani filmed this clip.
EBAN feeding Seamus one nugget of food at a time...