Saturday, February 4, 2012

Panama City

We got to the airport and everything was operating as normal as we watched Tutu's place leave.
As we were lining up to board our plane for Denver, there was an announcement. "We need four passengers to offer their seats and we'll give them the next flight out tomorrow with complimentary hotel stays and food vouchers and free round trip tickets with Delta." I looked at Ryan and thought...well, the boys were awesome with the flight down, let's do it! Seriously, four round trip tickets for the family. In my mind, that equates to savings for a one-night extended stay - - all thanks to Delta. Well - - - that's what we got! We already were planning our trip with the free tickets in hand - - is it back to Florida, LegoLand in San Diego, Washington DC, or somewhere new? Anyway, we got our things and headed into Panama City, Florida.
They plopped us down next to the mall and we decided that was the only place to go so off we went. The food options weren't great so we opted for room service. Because of the fact that Jack was awesome with pooping, we let him pick out his first package of underwear. He chose a Glow in the Dark Spiderman assortment. He proudly carried that bag around that a badge of honor. It was. Eban saw a bouncing thing and we said he could do that. It was fun to see him to a big kid activity. Obviously my cell phone doesn't take great pictures, but you get the drift.
After our hotel movie and dinner on our beds, we promptly went to bed to catch our flight out in the morning.
It was great and then we all had first class to Denver!! Yippee---the boys were good in first class so that was a big bonus.
Ahhhh....until next year and our next beach trip!