With two weeks off at the holiday, I was adamantly resolute that I was going to potty train Jack. Really…how hard could it be? Eban seemed like a piece of cake to potty train but if I could stay home and focus on it, I thought I’d have no problem. BOY, was I wrong.
The first two days were dedicated to asking every hour if he had to potty. That didn’t work as frustrating as that was. Then I opted for the naked baby game. They say..you know the experts..say that kids won’t pee or poop on the floor. Boy was I wrong? Then Jack decided to hold it for four days so we couldn’t train. He’d pee without any problem but pooping was scary. Then we did the every 15 minutes he sits on the potty for 5 minutes tactic. That was futile too. Jack is one head strong little tyke.
So with five days left of break and no hope in sight, I had to inform the preschool that Jack would not attend and I needed to find an in-home day care that would help us to potty train him so he could start going to preschool. I think Jack is so smart that he is manipulating all of us. He, at one point, told me he loves baby school. So we’ll see how long it takes for ‘code brown’ to occur.
Tutu came in the midst of the training. The boys were thrilled to see her and it was Christmas Eve so we had to get busy preparing for Santa’s arriv
On Christmas Eve, we had one group of carolers come by. Our back yard neighbors had their relatives in town so they rang the doorbell and sang one song and stopped midway as all the kids said we were lame. I was laughing pretty hard with that assessment. Following this lackluster front porch show, Jack fell promptly asleep while Eban laid in our bed looking out the blinds for Santa and his sleigh. It was so cute to see him peering out the window and try to fight of sleep. After 45 minutes of innocently watching, he finally fell prey to the sandman.
Christmas morning came and the boys were overjoyed and brimming with excitement. They woke everyone up so they could tear into their stockings before Grandpa came over. Grandpa arrived and we had to eat breakfast - - a traditional Christmas quiche much to the boys’ chagrin. Finally, the boys got their wish and they could unwrap the presents.
Each kid took turns opening presents. They loved and delighted with each gift which was great to see as in year’s past, they would opt for only one present and not want to open others. They got the drift of Christmas this year…for sure. There were clothes, toys, puzzles, soap, a kid’s recliner, cameras, watches, etc.
The dogs got some bones for the holidays so they were happy. Plus there were plenty of table scraps during this time so they were totally happy with all the kitchen activities.
Video Evidence of Jack's Refusal to Use the Toilet
Eban Reading One of his Books from Christmas
Jack Winking (So cute)