Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Beach and Radiation

After the fun of the choo-choo train trips and the graduate degree, we got down to business with our end of summer plans - - namely my radiation therapy and Ryan going to the beach with the boys. Ryan was lucky enough to get a decent deal on some cheap tickets to Delaware so that helped with the fact that I’d only be in isolation for three days at a hotel and then at the house by myself thus no harm would be done to the kids.

While three days was the safety net for the hospital for me to be isolated, it still was weird to know that they told me to limit my work meetings to an hour or less. Well, then what does that mean for the week after I’m home…to limit my interaction with the kids for an hour or less? Anyway, this was the best option and gave me a peace of mind as the kids were far away from me.

The only pictures I have from the beach are the attached ones which Ryan’s family were so nice to post on facebook. The kids had a ball and loved the waves and bragged about seeing dolphins frolicking in the waves.
I, on the other hand, didn’t do much after getting my dose of radiation. I’ll write up my cancer story later, but for now, I’ll just share bits and pieces with you. The little pill came in a ten-pound tin container called the ‘piglet.’ It was so heavy that Ryan and I both took turns lifting it as if it were a weight in a workout regiment. And here’s the kicker, Ryan came in the room with me! This is something I didn’t expect. The nurse didn’t have an astronaut suit on and she didn’t seem worried at all about being in close proximity to the pill and me. She said she’d been doing it for years and she’s still fine.
After the Piglet was opened the little pill was in another container. I then swallowed the pill and jetted off to the hotel to hang out.
I had some visitors to the hotel (less than an hour of course and no hugs) and the best news of all was that I had no side effects from the radiation. And then I was stoked to be off the low-iodine diet as that was the worst for me about the whole thing as I can’t stand the bland diet I had to adhere to prior to radiation.

Ryan got back and to celebrate, we went to our first Rapids game - - they are our professional soccer team in Denver. It was a blast.
Maybe it was because we had first row tickets, but the game was exciting and we also took our good friends Keegan and Lisa who are big soccer buffs.
They explained who the players were and other logistics, but what I loved the most was a rowdy fan who would yell the funniest things at the opposing team. I was totally into listening in to his next verbal jab over watching the game as he was so crafty and witty with his over-the-top outbursts. This man kept me laughing the entire game. I wish I could remember some of what he said, but I can’t - - I can’t even relay a joke so this tidbit shouldn’t be a surprise to you.

And finally, here’s a pic of Eban and his preschool girlfriend, Brea, out in their school’s garden. They were chosen to help water the plants/veggies and I captured the picture real quick. AND to top off the month of August, Radar came in for a surprise trip from Hawaii and we dragged him with us to a charity event. Here's the pic from that and it was awesome to see him and catch up!