June was a busy month. I got diagnosed with thyroid cancer and therefore have been negligent on updating the blog. I'm working on writing up 'my story' for a later date. I already had a complete thyroidectomy (they took my entire thyroid) and a central neck dissection (they took the lymph nodes around the central part of my neck). Both lobes of the thyroid came back positive for cancer and only one of 18 lymph nodes came back positive for cancer. I’ll go through the radiation therapy in mid-August sometime. All in all, my spirits are high and I know I’m going to beat it. I just find it terribly odd to inform people that I have cancer.
After I found out I had cancer, I continued my month like normal although the various visits to multiple doctors was not so normal. I played softball and continued my involvement with HOBY, the youth leadership seminar that I’ve been involved with in some capacity since 1997.
The below are just a few pictures of my small group of eight high school emerging juniors from across the state of Colorado - - we learned about emerging issues affecting the state in a panel session format from Colorado business and civic leaders and had a half day service project on Lookout Mountain picking up trash.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Thyroid Cancer and HOBY
Posted by
The Tracys
7/26/2010 08:31:00 PM