If it’s nice on the weekends, you can figure that we’re at the Rehm’s taking advantage of the lake and the boat. The kids love it there with Denny and Avery - - but Jack is afraid of the boat. He'd rather feed their new pet chickens! Yes -- they have three pet chickens who are very friendly.
Eban loves riding in the speedboat but he does not like riding behind it on a floatie thingy - we've only done that once - - as you can tell how much he enjoyed it from the below picture. 
Therefore we're sticking to riding IN the boat and he and Denny can’t get enough of just that - - it’s so cute. He also takes great pride in holding the orange caution flag up so that other boaters know that there is a "man down" in the lake. I just love it! 
Last weekend, it was Chris Dunphy's 40th birthday (again) so we headed to the lake to celebrate. Jack loved Fresca (grapefruit soda, I think?) and Eban wanted birthday cake galore. Funny how they like different things like that?Eban Driving the Boat