Following the visit to Grammie Kass and Grandpa Jeff’s house, we headed over to D.C. to see Grandma and Grandpa Tracy, aunts Deirdre and Caitlin and Uncle Conor for a trip to Fenwick Island, Delaware. The trip in the car with the boys was delightful as they handled the long stretches of time in their car seats much better than I anticipated. Grandma Patti was impressed too although we did get a tad lost as we were chatting so much we missed an exit. Grandma Patti was very frustrated with that and I kept saying, “It’s an adventure!” She wasn’t buying my statement in the least. She muttered that it was lost beach time and more car time - - my laughter didn’t help, I’m sure.
As we arrived at the beach house, we quickly unpacked and headed straight for the Bayard Street beach. Due to Hurricane Bill’s visit in the Atlantic Ocean, the waves were huge and the current was swift. The boys played in little “pools” higher up on the beach. I guess the hurricane creates these little pools and they dissipate as the tide rolls out.
I could be completely wrong here, but it was a safe place for the boys to play and I was happy about that. Eban didn’t understand why he couldn’t run into the ocean and get swallowed by a big wave and its following undertow. There were several tears over this. Jack, who is usually timid around water, promptly wanted to play and like any good mother, I only had his diaper. I had him running around naked for awhile but I guess it wasn’t PC for an almost two-year old to be seen like that. Soon, he had his diaper on and it wasn’t much better.
The following day, I came down with a bug. My ears were clogged and I was just plain groggy and sick. Uncle Chad came down for a couple of days and hung out with his godson and Jack so it was good to see him! The boys loved hanging out with him and loved their outfits that created sounds as they walked. The dinosaur and horse were loud and crazy when they had their suits on. Very cute!
Great grandpa and great grandma Tracy were happy to see us too. We didn’t spend too much time there as the beach always beckoned us to play – or the little park they have in Fenwick Island. Great uncles and great aunts were all over and some many relatives that I have no idea how many were officially there.
Maybe there were 70 this year?? Not as much as year’s past, but that’s still a huge mass of people convened in one little beach area!! The boys loved all the kids that were there –
little Eleanor from Connecticut really took to them. She’s 4 and Ryan’s third cousin (maybe?). She always asked if they could play and off they would go. At one point, Eban came over to me and they were playing in the dunes and he asked,
“Mama, can my brother have a pretzel?” He pointed to the dune to Eleanor waiting patiently for a reply and when I told him yes, he took off running to her and was yelling, “My mama said he can have a PRETZEL!!!!” It was the first time that he asked permission for Jack…wowsers! See the below picture of Ellie with the boys in the bonfire pit. I love her wink!
Of course we picked blue crabs – Grandpa and Conor taught us how. Eban loved it. I am so used to snow crab so the tedious labor that goes into picking crabs was painstakingly hard for me. I gave up after the first one and Grandpa, Conor and Eban ended up picking the rest of the crabs. Thank goodness they did as we had the most tasty crab cake sandwiches the next day!
On one of the last evenings there, they had the bonfire! What a fun evening! One of the parents – I can’t remember who – buys all the kids glow sticks and therefore you see all the kids running around and they don’t get lost.
Drinking, singing, eating s’mores and laughter ensues for the rest of the evening. The kids all make the s’mores and go around to the adults and ask them who wants a s’more. It’s the nicest thing! Eban saw the s’more and said, “Ew mama – it looks yucky!”
I told him it wasn’t and dared him to take a bite. He excitedly proclaimed that it wasn’t yucky and that it was REALLY good. I knew that would happen…it’s a s’more for heaven’s sake! Jack hung out with me the rest of the evening while Eban took off with the bigger kids – the 6 – 9 year olds.
I couldn’t believe he was keeping up with them and it’s amazing to see how badly he wants to be “a big boy” - - he even wanted to join in for the daily Frisbee game which tends to get somewhat rough. The older kid relatives were just so great with him and his outspoken personality – I was thoroughly impressed. I can’t wait until the following years as the kids will continue to have a blast and there’s nothing better than seeing the kids be so free spirited while making fabulous memories!
Is there anything else I’m missing? Any good stories to repeat?? Please let me know and I'll put them in here!
Jumping into the Fire Pit
Picking Blue Crabs
Who's the Better Singer?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Fenwick Island 2009
Posted by
The Tracys
10/13/2009 08:58:00 PM