That's "Mr. Mom" for you Gringos out there.
Nani has taken to calling me by this name as Microsoft has graciously allowed me to take the month of January off for Paternity leave. Let me just say that I have learned two very important things during my time off from the rat race.
1. I love not going to work.
2. You stay-at-home moms have had us all fooled about the level of difficulty for some time now. Kudos on your ruse!
Truthfully, I see now why Lindsay writes so much about Nani - she's a lifesaver. I took a four hour nap my first day home on kid-duty and she didn't even sweat it.
I've really loved hanging out with the boys and taking them to new and exciting places like "World of Wonder" and "The Kangaroo Kingdom".
Both of these places have tons of toys, obstacles and exhibits that the kids can play with and climb on. Not so much yet for Jackson but Eban runs around like a little Indian. It's cool to see him figure things out - he's very advanced :)
We took Nani to her first indoor soccer game last week - here's a video of Eban motoring around the arena.
Another other great thing about staying home is that I've been able to catch up on a bunch of outstanding house projects like the garage and the office and the spare bedroom.
I'm taking Jack home to meet all of his VA relatives next week. We're staying with my mom for a night then back to Alexandria so I can introduce him to his GrandPa and Great Grand Parents.
He's getting so strong and smiley. I think it's my influence.
In my spare time I've been developing my own parenting strategy based on the "Love and Logic" method. I'm still working out the kinks but I have a working title - so far "Love and Yell at the top of your lungs" is beating out all other contenders. Wish me luck!
I'm posting some miscellaneous stuff below here for your viewing enjoyment:
"Why are they making me lie here with this vomit-machine again?"
"Eban Loves Daddy's Guitar"
"Seamus - Terror in the Stairwell"
"I'm going to throw up on you in less than 7 seconds"
"Mac and Cheese Rules"
"Mad-Hot Ballroom"