say I've been busy is an understatement! I just issued over 150 Christmas cards (it took me a couple of days), bought and wrapped holiday gifts, played with the boys, played with my dog, learned more about Nani, and made several dozen cookies. So I'm sorry I haven't adequately updated this site as I've heard some grumbles via the telephone from agitated family members!
Last weekend, we hosted a get together of the Boulder-area au pairs and we had seven girls show up. We had a cookie exchange, but all the girls brought store bought cookies. It was nice to have a plethora of girls here from various countries which included Paraguay, Sweden and Holland. I loved hearing about the different cultures! When one of the girl's host mothers picked her up she came in and asked me how old Jackson was. I told her 10 weeks and her chin nearly hit the floor. She said her 5 month old was smalled than my 10 week old in an exasperated manner. I calmly told her that I made big babies and politely I didn't know what the proper response should be. And speaking of proper responses - I went to Kangaroo Kingdom again this past weekend with a friend and her son and while we were
eating pizza, some man came up to her son and starting pinching his chin, petting his head, and rubbing under his chin. I was staring in disbelief as this man touched my friend's son all over the place and hoped he had clean hands (at the least). After he left, we had a good conversation about boundaries and kids with Nani as she wanted to know if this was a cultural norm for the United States.
Jackson is finally rounding the corner from being a fussy baby to
a normal baby. He was so talkative at all hours and so upset that it was hard to hear him so uncomfortable all the time. He is now enjoying his little life by smiling and cooing most hours. I'm breathing a big sigh of relief with this change!