Following Ryan’s gig in the first weekend of January, we went away for the first time in ages - - just the two of us. Chris and Jenn took care of the boys and entertained them at
Chucky Cheese…while we headed down for a weekend stay in
Manitou Springs, Colorado. It’s lovely there. Really. Or maybe we did nothing and that’s what made it lovely

- - I haven’t put my finger on it.
We stayed at the alleged haunted On a Ledge bed and breakfast. I think it’s
onaledge (all one word), but I’m not too sure ( We stayed in the only room on the first floor in the place and it was guarded by a large armored man holding a sword. But the bed was SO comfortable and the claw foot tub added to the ambiance. We got there late Friday night and ate at some restaurant that served ‘game’ fare. All the food was okay. We quickly returned to the historic mansion that was built by a Texas oil baron and made a fire in the
over sized fireplace. We read, played Scrabble and simply took it easy. In the picture above...those couches were our safe haven and our bliss. It was awesome!!

On Saturday we did the same thing. Sat on the
over sized couches and Ryan tended the fire and we read and rested. It was refreshing and restful. Sunday…we left and took the above picture with my phone in the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. We hope to bring the kids back this summer and backpack, hike and picnic!
So we finally retrieved our kids and Chris and Jenn said, “Maybe one night next time.” I get their sentiments as having three kids of their own and then add our two…it must have been chaotic to say the least.
It was funny. Jack told me he was looking forward to sleeping with Chris and Jenn. This was a couple of days prior to dropping them off. I thought nothing of it at the time. When we picked them up, Jenn said that Jack slept with them. I was about to question her as to why when she said that it was around 11pm on Friday night and everyone else was sleeping except for Jack who was still carrying on. So Chris firmly said, “Jack, if you don’t go to sleep this instant, you’ll sleep with us.” With that, Jack happily replied, “OKAY!” and grabbed his pillow and followed him into their room. Jenn laughed as this comment backfired and Jack got his way. He’s a fine manipulator that Jack!
MLK Day, I participated in the
Marade honoring the
e and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This was my third year participating in the event. I took a lot of pictures throughout the morning of the
AmeriCorps groups and other walkers. It was great to see such a vibrant community come together...anyway, I
didn’t bring
Eban this year as I knew I was going to meet the Lt. Governor and in the event that a conversation ensued, I wanted to be prepared and not smiling and running away to catch
Eban also finished his testing to get into the gifted and talented program in Thornton. There is a school near our house that is a charter school and does the lottery March 15. Ryan will attend this night as I stay home with the boys. It’s a little too reminiscent of the movie Waiting for Superman for me to attend.
Finally, I love the

pictures of
Eban playing the guitar. At times, he really wants to learn how to play but holding down the strings hurts his little fingers. I know you have to build up callouses for this so he’s taking a rest until his fingers get older…so he says. I also love the picture (while not good) of Jack holding his ears as the continual strumming was not impressive to his three-year old ears.

And of course…the
crème de la
crème of pictures this month…Jack and Seamus. LOVE it!!!