February has been exciting as Jack is practically potty-trained. We are saving so much money on diapers and that’s fabulous! He’s still not too sure about going
popo on the potty but we’ll get there soon - - I’m sure! For some reason, he gets shy about being wiped while sitting on the toilet. It’s now March and we’re still waiting for him to grow out of it. We’ve only had one successful “code brown” on the toilet this month.
In February, we celebrated Grandpa Morgan’s 74th birthday. I made my first homemade birthday cake (yes, I know…it’s hard to believe). It was three tiers as I ruined my first batch. It was practically an inferno as I used all the candles we had to make the number 74.
The kids loved the mini-blaze atop the cake. As they say in the video attached below, "It's SMOKY!" Grandpa said he couldn’t remember the last time he had cake on his birthday, so that was special. Of course, he got some Civil War books!
For Valentine’s Day, we had planned on an exciting family day out. We went to the Pepsi Center to see Monster Jam - - yes, it was very romantic! ha! We didn’t know what to expect but we did buy earphones in advance of the event. Talk about a funny event! Basically, trucks or cars with big wheels crush other things. That’s all it is - - well, and VERY loud. The kids LOVED it
– and embarrassingly enough, I did to. It was hysterical. We had great seats and it was action packed. I’m now a fan of Monster Mutt and the boys love Gravedigger (these are names of the celebrity monster vehicles). Enjoy the videos below as we have to watch them a lot as the kids never tire of singing “Who Let the Dogs Out” and watching Gravedigger go in a tiny circle over and over again. In fact, a month later, Jack still says he loved Monster Jam and loved Gravedigger. Both of those words are big, but he has no problem regurgitating them.
I can’t remember when the Super Bowl was, but that was exciting as we got to our friends house and promptly left 20 minutes later due to the antics of the kids. They were ornery and wanted to play with the older girls and the girls didn’t want anything to do with the boys. So the boys were stuck with one another and all hell broke loose. Next thing you know the entire party is hearing them scream at one another and call each other baby butthead. Then as we are trying to stop their antics, we are called buttheads and the excitement didn’t cease. We basically hauled them into the van and got our stuff and left before the first quarter was even close to finishing. I guess every parent has these days with their kids, but it’s just embarrassing when you know the folks. It’s easier just to grab the kids and put them under your arms like footballs and leave the grocery store. Maybe I’m wrong?
Eban has decided he wants a guinea pig and another dog. He told me that Seamus and Harriet are lonely and need a new friend. He said the new dog’s name will be Sparky. He continued to say that we also need a guinea pig. He told me the guinea pig’s name is Edward. Interesting. As an FYI, we aren’t about to get new animals to add to our crazy household, but it’s great that he’s thinking out of the box.
Our dogs are great.
They continue to exude patience as the boys try to ride them, or squeal with delight close to them and they don't even flinch, or poke in between their toenails…we are certainly lucky to have them. Harriet has assimilated better than we ever expected. Sure she went through the stage where she ate couches, and shoes, and toys…but she has really learned how to act within the confines of our house and really adds a lot of love to our lives.

Eban has decided he wants a guinea pig and another dog. He told me that Seamus and Harriet are lonely and need a new friend. He said the new dog’s name will be Sparky. He continued to say that we also need a guinea pig. He told me the guinea pig’s name is Edward. Interesting. As an FYI, we aren’t about to get new animals to add to our crazy household, but it’s great that he’s thinking out of the box.

Happy 74th Birthday Grandpa!
The below videos are for the boys as they love watching these videos of Monster Jam. It's easier to watch them here rather than the small screen of my camera.
It's Gravedigger Time!
Jumping Motorcycles
Monster Mutt