Well...it finally happened - Eban put his first two words together. I thought it would be "Hi Mama" or "Bye bus" or something cute like that. Two nights ago, I picked up his sippy cup and he glared at me and yelled "MY JUICE"! I just knew it would be a sweet articulation of his first two combined words - I couldn't believe he used his first two words in anger. Funny!
Jack is finally eating foods and he loves his little purees which he eats. He is also giggling and I love to hear him giggle like an old man.
Eban also has a favorite movie...the Pixar movie called Cars. He now will look at me and point to the television and say Cars. If I turn on another show or what have you, he'll point again and say Cars louder. This morning, he handed Ryan the remote control for the tv, then he found the remote control for the DVD player and pointed at the tv. Ryan knew exactly what he wanted so on came the movie Cars
for the 20th time. When the kids are sick, I will do anything not to hear another fussy kid...so I'm all about the movie at this point.
It's been a crazy week with Ryan super busy at Microsoft. He works all hours of the day and night getting ready to launch their new product "Virtual Earth." I really mean he works all hours - he gets phone calls at 2:00am to 5:30am to 9:00pm and sometimes he needs to immediately leave and go fix things.
As an update to the last post, Eban loves the bus and the bus driver that pass our house each morning at 7:04am. The bus gets to the bottom of the hill and we watch it intently for 4 minutes until it turns on its lights to start its morning commute. Well, we met the bus driver last week and it's a bus for disabled children. The children were so nice when we approached the bus and were waving at Eban and screaming "baby!" The bus driver said he's happy to wave at Eban every morning and he has kept his word. Every morning, he slows down as he passes our house, opens his window, and sticks his arm out to wave to Eban. It's just so nice of him to do that. Now I have an additional person to give treats to at the holidays! See the pictures and the videos...which aren't that good, but they give you a good idea of what happens.
On Wednesday, my friends Liz and Dan came over after being in Florida for way too long. I ordered Chinese and finally like a Chinese restaurant near us - about time I found a Chinese joint I like! They even brought a chocolate cake for dessert - talk about yummy!! Liz is pregnant with her first child and due in a month so that will be nice to have another kid Eban and Jack can grow up with! I forgot to take photos but they did...they only took photos of Seamus as they are talking about getting a mastiff now. It would be great to get another one as I've been hinting to Ryan about g
etting another dog since we lost Murphie. I know that seems crazy, and it probably is, but oh well.
The big news is the household of sickness this week...Nani called on Tuesday to say to come home as Eban wouldn't stop crying and was holding his nose saying OW. I immediately took him to the doctor and he said it was viral. He also gave us marching orders to not take any cold medicine as kids can no longer take it until they are 10 or older. So he's on a regiment of Tylenol three times a day and the nebulizer (which he absolutely hates). He immediately started doing better on Wednesday and then on Thursday, I got the phone call from Nani that Jack had a temperature and was totally fussy. I came home and he had a temperature of 102 and Nani had a temperature of 100. Lovely.
Cool compresses, Tylenol and fluids have become my friends for the past two days. Right now, they are both sleeping so I'm able to update the blog - but it was challenging last night dealing with a baby who had a temperature. At least he's eating and not getting dehydrated, but I need to make sure Nani drinks as she doesn't like water. This morning, before Eban went to school, she said she felt nauseous too. Ugh. Poor things.
So I'm guzzling the coffee and getting ready for both of them to wake up miserable and decide who needs what...
Tomorrow, we are supposed to meet Grandpa Bob and go to the Colorado Railroad Museum to take a train ride with the Easter Bunny and find Easter eggs. I'm hoping we can do that as Eban will just go nuts (along with Grandpa) about the different trains...