Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Eban loves trains and fire trucks!
Posted by
The Tracys
10/30/2007 12:42:00 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
We are officially without grandmas now!! Let's see how much weight we lose! say that it's been helpful to have my mom and then Patti here is a drastic understatement. They were both incredibly, cleaning, running quick errands, and the biggest thank you is for letting me nap in the morning or afternoon so I could attempt to catch up on some shut eye!
So if either of you are reading this...thank you thank you thank you. We loved having you and are now looking at Nani to cook for us as we have been very spoiled by the two of you! Just kidding Nani!
And this week, Eban fell asleep for the first time in his high chair...I've heard almost all kids do this and it was so funny as he was eating one second and I looked down to put a spoonful of spaghetti on my fork for him and the next second, he was was really cute!
Posted by
The Tracys
10/28/2007 04:23:00 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Report Cards, Nani's Birthday, Parties Now
Report Cards Eban did very well on Friday and Monday at school. He took his nap on his sleeping bag and played well with others. On Friday, his report card let us know that he was very good at washing his hands and face. He also didn't like to get dirty...they cut apples in half and painted things and then he tried to eat the apple with the paint on it. Miss Britney and Miss Emily said his facial expression was very "cute" when he realized it didn't taste good with paint on it! On Monday, they danced and his report card said he shook his hips VERY WELL. Please see the below video as a testament to that fact. I don't think he got his dancing skills from me, but now I'm dancing every day and night with Eban. Nani went to school with Eban for a half day on Monday and she told me that after the kid's snack, Eban went to two other kid's snacks and promptly finished them. I'm so proud of my healthy eater! This Friday, we have a Hoe-Down at school so we'll see how that goes.
Jackson Jackson gets up for two hours each night. Sometimes he just hangs out and grunts, and other times he cries. He currently has the little dipper of acne on his face. Check out the photo. Poor thing.
Nani's Birthday Nani went up to Vail this weekend and ate at McDonald's twice. Talk about nutrition!? And then she went shopping at Wal-Mart...she also got to see snow for the first time and loved it. We were happy to see her home safely as there was a snow weather warning for the mountains and the Denver area. Her birthday is today and she opened a gift this morning...a digital camera that also takes video. I know she'll love it as she's always taking pictures and videos with her camera which she can't download. At least now she can share all the quality images with us, her family and her friends. Tonight, Grandma Patti is making her a cake and some meat as she loves grilled meat on the BBQ.
Adult Parties Now? Last Saturday, Ryan and I went to our first party with the kids...I was a tad nervous leaving the house with two little ones. But it went surprisingly well. As we entered JD and Tawnya's house, we were greeted with "Would Eban like a big bowl of mac and cheese?" We knew the answer would be yes for Eban and then we watched the little ones play around for two hours. It's a drastic difference than last year's party without any kids! Eban also showed off his awesome dancing moves for everyone as there was a continual flow of music. Check out his moves below and watch the one-armed swing move...very swanky!
UPDATE: I had to change the video as the one-armed dancing machine video was too dark. Here are two others...hope there are halfway decent.
Posted by
The Tracys
10/24/2007 10:51:00 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
Every name but the right one
well...I'm officially a crazy mom. I always said I wouldn't turn into the type of mom that calls all her kids by the wrong name. I'm calling Eban Jackson and Jackson Eban...I'm calling my husband Seamus...I'm calling Seamus by yelling for Murphie - and she's been gone since August! I think I've lost my marbles!
Today, Eban started school. I'm sure I'll have a report sometime this weekend about his first day. We took these pictures outside the school this morning. It was really fun to see him with the other kids.
And late this morning, mom and I drove by the school and we saw his "All Blacks" rugby fleece running along the fence in the play yard and you could tell he was having fun. God I loved seeing that!
Jackson has been a tad cranky in the morning and early afternoon. Is there such thing as a colicky baby at certain times of the day? Two nights ago, Ryan and I had a huge challenge as Eban woke up screaming bloody murder for two straight hours.
I never knew he had such good lungs that could power such high volumn screams. Nothing worked to soothe him. Around 1:30am when he finally went to sleep, Jackson started to use his lungs for a goodness...thank god for Folgers in the morning. I love the quote in my coffee mug that says, "Instant Coffee Takes Too Long." After a night like that, there isn't a more truthful comment. I even had to wake up my mom at 5:00am and beg her to rock Jackson simply so I could get two continuous hours of sleep.
I'm sure there will be more nights like this but man I happy to have help from people at this time! And thank goodness for Gripe Water...
Nani is off to Vail this weekend. I'm sure I'll report to you on Sunday about what she learned.
Posted by
The Tracys
10/19/2007 03:26:00 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
9 pounds, 2 ounces
Jackson is growing like a weed! He's already 9 pounds and two ounces and he was supposed to hit the 8 pound, 7 ounce marker he surpassed his goal weight!
I haven't seen him smile much more since the last post so I'm hoping he begins to respond more to us with his grins. He is more alert now and is following the sounds of our voices with his eyes. I don't think he can see us just yet, but I'm sure that's right around the corner!
This weekend was crazy. Saturday, we were going to have Nani and a girlfriend over as well as Heather Magic. Well, three other nannies joined Nani and we also had Jen, Chris, Kelsi, Avery, Dennis, Chris's brother Jimmy and his wife, Laurie...we had roughly 18 people in the house and I had only given birth 10 days beforehand. Talk about a last minute party and Susan cooked for all of these people...what a champ!!! The nannies spent the night (and Eban loved every minute of being the apple of their eyes...check out the photo)
...three in Nani's room (Brunella, Didi, and Nani) and two on the sofa (Gabby and Ester). It worked out tremendously well...even Seamus survived the craziness. The nannies called Seamus, "The Giant" in spanish. He was very afraid of them...and they were all the size of my pinkie...
On Sunday, Susan and I ran out to Toys R Us and got a sleeping bag and school supplies for Eban. It was a fun little trip.
Currently, I'm listening to Eban hum the tune of A-B-C (the Alphabet Song) in his crib even though he's supposed to be napping. I love listening to him amuse himself with songs. It's the best! And another great thing...I'm back into my pre-pregnancy jeans...whoo-hoo!
These are both Videos - Press the play button ...
Posted by
The Tracys
10/16/2007 02:04:00 PM
Friday, October 12, 2007
Check out the video of Eban tapping Jackson's head
This weekend, Nani and some of her girlfriends from Paraguay will come over and spend the night. I think we are going to go to a Pumpkin Patch so we can all carve pumpkins. I'm sure Eban will love this activity as well!
Posted by
The Tracys
10/12/2007 12:48:00 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Nani had her first driving lesson and didn't crash!
On Monday, Nani went out with Kurt and drove around the northern suburbs of Denver for 2 hours. He said she did well and he's coming again to take her out today for two hours. Next week, he'll come and they'll go out at night to see how she does with those elements!
Eban has been great with Jackson. He continues to say hiya everyday to him and is very curious about his hands and his feet. He's gentle thus far but gets agitated when we remove him from Jackson if we think he's going to do something. He always gets angry with us when we move him and try to redirect his attention elsewhere.Last night, I saw my first two "gas" smiles from Jackson. It just made me smile as it's so cute to see the first smile!! It was around midnight so I didn't bother to wake up Ryan and share the news.
Grammy is looking into houses around the area. We are keeping our fingers crossed that all goes well with this endeavor! It's not definite, but simply a possibility.
We just got the news last night, that Caitlin, Deirdre and Conor (Ryan's siblings) will be joining us for Thanksgiving. We are stoked to have them come visit us in Colorado!! I'm a tad nervous as we've never hosted Thanksgiving before and to cook all that food for the first time is a tad, I know Thanksgiving is Ryan's favorite holiday so I better not screw up too many items (which I'm known for)! I'm sure Ryan will play a very heavy part in the production of the dinner...
My brother Steve will come out for Christmas...that will be exciting as Eban will be aware of what's going on!
Posted by
The Tracys
10/10/2007 09:01:00 AM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Our first weekend with two boys
Eban is still very curious about Jackson and greets him every day with a "Hiya"! He has only poked him once in the eye and that's because Jackson was on daddy's watch . :)
Nani has been great with the new baby and her first driving lesson is tomorrow...I should say professional driving lesson! I'm sure I'll have an update for you after we hear how that goes.
Grammy swooz has loved being a grammy...I'm not too sure if she loves all the cooking she's doing though. She took Eban out for a walk yesterday and with every airplane he hears, he happily looks up and points and says "hiya" to the plane and waves! I'm sure the pilot and the passengers are appreciative of his congeniality. He also took the time to wave to every car and truck that passed them.
As for other news, Ryan has to go back to work tomorrow. He's not too happy about it as he loves being with the family. He also got a summons from Arapahoe County to testify about the incident that occurred at our house awhile on the link to remind yourselves of the story! That will be interesting to hear how that plays out. I forget when he has to show up at court, but I'll update you once I remember.
Over and out for now!
Posted by
The Tracys
10/07/2007 02:38:00 PM